Nadja – Real or Imagined?

2 responses to “Nadja – Real or Imagined?”

  1. Very interesting you mentioned whether Nadja was a real person or imagined! I didnt even think of that but its a cool thought……. interesting 🙂

    Dalia Currie


  2. “I didn’t know if Nadja was an actual person or part of Breton’s imagination.”You know, my answer might be… that she is both! There most definitely was a real person whom Breton met, and with whom he had a brief infatuation (I talk about this in my lecture). But then he also imagined a lot about her, and perhaps elaborated upon those imaginations in this book. Would she, after all, agree with all he says about her?

    But I might go further: aren’t we *all* in this way both real and imagined? I mean, for instance, there’s a real person called “Katie.” But your friends and family (and other people who you meet) may have their own ideas about you, their own imagination about who you are, which don’t always coincide, and may not always coincide with how *you* also imagine yourself.


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